Coding Practices
Versioning and Software Release Cycle
Coding and Documentation Standards
Users can easily implement the Digitec coding styles into PhpStorm. Simply [download our code styles]((https://vc.digitec.local/digitec/digitec-wiki/blob/master/configuration_files/ and extract them. Then choose File > Import Settings from the PhpStorm application. Select the file, and continue import.
Now, in your Code Style project settings, click the Manage... button. You should now have the Digitec Scheme option. Highlight it, and then choose Copy to Project. The Digitec code styles have now been copied to the project, and everyone that opens the project in PhpStorm will gain those code style settings (assuming you versioned the .idea/codeStyleSettings.xml
file in your project repo.
Coding Process and Protocols
Specification Process and Protocols
GitLab Issue Format
Javascript Comment Standards Javascript Coding Standards PHP Comment Standards PHP Coding Standards KD Trac Tickets Format