Home / Digitec Coding Practices / Global Coding Standards / Smells and Heuristics - General
G1: Multiple Languages in One Source File
Today's modern programming environments make it possible to put many different languages into a single source file. For example, a Java source file might contain snippets of XML, HTML, YAML, JavaDoc, English, JavaScript, and so on. For another example, in addition to HTML a JSP file might contain Java, a tag library syntax, English comments, Javadocs, XML, JavaScript, and so forth. This is confusing at best and carelessly sloppy at worst.
The ideal is for a source file to contain one, and only one, language. Realistically, we will probably have to use more than one. But we should take pains to minimize both the number and extent of extra languages in our source files.
G2: Obvious Behavior Is Unimplemented
Following "[The Principle of Least Surprise](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Principle_of_least_astonishment)," any function or class should implement the behaviors that another programmer could reasonably expect. For example, consider a function that translates the name of a day to an enum
that represents the day.
Day day = DayDate.StringToDay(String dayName);
We would expect the string "Monday" to be translated to Day.MONDAY
. We would also expect the common abbreviations to be translated, and we would expect the function to ignore case.
When an obvious behavior is not implemented, readers and users of the code can no longer depend on their intuition about function names. They lose their trust in the original author and must fall back on reading the details of the code.
G3: Incorrect Behavior at the Boundaries
It seems obvious to say that code should behave correctly. The problem is that we seldom realize just how complicated correct behavior is. Developers often write functions that they think will work, and then trust their intuition rather than going to the effort to prove that their code works in all the corner and boundary cases.
There is no replacement for due diligence. Every boundary condition, every corner case, every quirk and exception represents something that can confound an elegant and intuitive algorithm. Don't rely on your intuition. Look for every boundary condition and write a test for it.
G4: Overridden Safeties
Chernobyl melted down because the plant manager overrode each of the safety mechanisms one by one. The safeties were making it inconvenient to run an experiment. The result was that the experiment did not get run, and the world saw it's first major civilian nuclear catastrophe.
It is risky to override safeties. Exerting manual control over serialVersionUID
may be necessary, but it is always risky. Turning off certain compiler warnings (or all warnings!) may help you get the build to succeed, but at the risk of endless debugging sessions. Turning off failing tests and telling yourself you'll get them to pass later is as bad as pretending your credit cards are free money.
G5: Duplication
This is one of the most important rules in this book, and you should take it very seriously. Virtually every author who writes about software design mentions this rule. Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt called it the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself). Kent Beck made it one of the core principles of Extreme Programming and called it: "Once, and only once." Ron Jeffries ranks this rule second, just below getting all the tests to pass.
Every time you see duplication in the code, it represents a missed opportunity for abstraction. That duplication could probably become a subroutine or perhaps another class outright. By folding the duplication into such an abstraction, you increase the vocabulary of the language of your design. Other programmers can use the abstract facilities you create. Coding becomes faster and less error prone because you have raised the abstraction level.
The most obvious form of duplication is when you have clumps of identical code that look like some programmers went wild with the mouse, pasting the same code over and over again. These should be replaced with simple methods.
A more subtle form is the switch/case
or if/else
chain that appears again and again in various modules, always testing for the same set of conditions. These should be replaced with polymorphism.
Still more subtle are the modules that have similar algorithms, but that don't share similar lines of code. This is still duplication and should be addressed by using the TEMPLATE METHOD, or STRATEGY PATTERN.
Indeed, most of the design patterns that have appeared in the last fifteen years are simply well-known ways to eliminate duplication. So too the Codd Normal Forms are a strategy for eliminating duplication in database schemae. OO itself is a strategy for organizing modules and eliminating duplication. Not surprisingly, so is structured programming.
I think the point has been made. Find and eliminate duplication wherever you can.
G6: Code at Wrong Level of Abstraction
It is important to create abstractions that separate higher level general concepts from lower level detailed concepts. Sometimes we do this by creating abstract classes to hold the higher level concepts and derivatives to hold the lower level concepts. When we do this, we need to make sure that the separation is complete. We want all the lower level concepts to be in the derivatives and all the higher level concepts to be in the base class.
For example, constants, variables, or utility functions that pertain only to the detailed implementation should not be present in the base class. The base class should know nothing about them.
This rule also pertains to source files, components, and modules. Good software design requires that we separate concepts at different levels and place them in different containers. Sometimes these containers are base classes or derivatives and sometimes they are source files, modules, or components. Whatever the case may be, the separation needs to be complete. We don't want lower and higher level concepts mixed together.
Consider the following code:
public interface Stack { Object pop() throws EmptyException; void push(Object o) throws FullException; double percentFull(); class EmptyException extends Exception {} class FullException extends Exception {} }
The percentFull function is at the wrong level of abstraction. Although there are many implementations of Stack where the concept of fullness is reasonable, there are other implementations that simply could not know how full they are. So the function would be better placed in a derivative interface such as BoundedStack.
Perhaps you are thinking that the implementation could just return zero if the stack were boundless. The problem with that is that no stack is truly boundless. You cannot really prevent an OutOfMemoryException by checking for stack.percentFull() < 50.0.
Implementing the function to return 0 would be telling a lie.
The point is that you cannot lie or fake your way out of a misplaced abstraction. Isolating abstractions is one of the hardest things that software developers do, and there is no quick fix when you get it wrong.
G7: Base Classes Depending on Their Derivatives
The most common reason for partitioning concepts into base and derivative classes is so that the higher level base class concepts can be independent of the lower level derivative class concepts. Therefore, when we see base classes mentioning the names of their derivatives, we suspect a problem. In general, base classes should know nothing about their derivatives.
There are exceptions to this rule, of course. Sometimes the number of derivatives is strictly fixed, and the base class has code that selects between the derivatives. We see this a lot in finite state machine implementations. However, in that case the derivatives and base class are strongly coupled and always deploy together in the same jar file. In the general case we want to be able to deploy derivatives and bases in different jar files.
Deploying derivatives and bases in different jar files and making sure the base jar files know nothing about the contents of the derivative jar files allow us to deploy our systems in discrete and independent components. When such components are modified, they can be redeployed without having to redeploy the base components. This means that the impact of a change is greatly lessened, and maintaining systems in the field is made much simpler.
G8: Too Much Information
Well-defined modules have very small interfaces that allow you to do a lot with a little. Poorly defined modules have wide and deep interfaces that force you to use many different gestures to get simple things done. A well-defined interface does not offer very many functions to depend upon, so coupling is low. A poorly defined interface provides lots of functions that you must call, so coupling is high.
Good software developers learn to limit what they expose at the interfaces of their classes and modules. The fewer methods a class has, the better. The fewer variables a function knows about, the better. The fewer instance variables a class has, the better. Hide your data. Hide your utility functions. Hide your constants and your temporaries. Don't create classes with lots of methods or lots of instance variables. Don't create lots of protected variables and functions for your subclasses. Concentrate on keeping interfaces very tight and very small. Help keep coupling low by limiting information.
G9: Dead Code
Dead code is code that isn't executed. You find it in the body of an if statement that checks for a condition that can't happen. You find it in the catch block of a try that never throws. You find it in little utility methods that are never called or switch/case
conditions that never occur.
The problem with dead code is that after awhile it starts to smell. The older it is, the stronger and sourer the odor becomes. This is because dead code is not completely updated when designs change. It still compiles, but it does not follow newer conventions or rules. It was written at a time when the system was different. When you find dead code, do the right thing. Give it a decent burial. Delete it from the system.
G10: Vertical Separation
Variables and function should be defined close to where they are used. Local variables should be declared just above their first usage and should have a small vertical scope. We don't want local variables declared hundreds of lines distant from their usages.
Private functions should be defined just below their first usage. Private functions belong to the scope of the whole class, but we'd still like to limit the vertical distance between the invocations and definitions. Finding a private function should just be a matter of scanning downward from the first usage.
G11: Inconsistency
If you do something a certain way, do all similar things in the same way. This goes back to the principle of least surprise. Be careful with the conventions you choose, and once chosen, be careful to continue to follow them.
If within a particular function you use a variable named response
to hold an HttpServletResponse
, then use the same variable name consistently in the other functions that use HttpServletResponse
objects. If you name a method processVerificationRequest
, then use a similar name, such as processDeletionRequest
, for the methods that process other kinds of requests.
Simple consistency like this, when reliably applied, can make code much easier to read and modify.
G12: Clutter
Of what use is a default constructor with no implementation? All it serves to do is clutter up the code with meaningless artifacts. Variables that aren't used, functions that are never called, comments that add no information, and so forth. All these things are clutter and should be removed. Keep your source files clean, well organized, and free of clutter.
G13: Artificial Coupling
Things that don't depend upon each other should not be artificially coupled. For example, general enums
should not be contained within more specific classes because this forces the whole application to know about these more specific classes. The same goes for general purpose static
functions being declared in specific classes.
In general an artificial coupling is a coupling between two modules that serves no direct purpose. It is a result of putting a variable, constant, or function in a temporarily convenient, though inappropriate, location. This is lazy and careless.
Take the time to figure out where functions, constants, and variables ought to be declared. Don't just toss them in the most convenient place at hand and then leave them there.
G14: Feature Envy
This is one of Martin Fowler's code smells. The methods of a class should be interested in the variables and functions of the class they belong to, and not the variables and functions of other classes. When a method uses accessors and mutators of some other object to manipulate the data within that object, then it envies the scope of the class of that other object. It wishes that it were inside that other class so that it could have direct access to the variables it is manipulating. For example:
public class HourlyPayCalculator {
public Money calculateWeeklyPay(HourlyEmployee e) {
int tenthRate = e.getTenthRate().getPennies();
int tenthsWorked = e.getTenthsWorked();
int straightTime = Math.min(400, tenthsWorked);
int overTime = Math.max(0, tenthsWorked - straightTime); int straightPay = straightTime * tenthRate;
int overtimePay = (int)Math.round(overTime*tenthRate*1.5);
return new Money(straightPay + overtimePay);
The calculateWeeklyPay
method reaches into the HourlyEmployee
object to get the data on which it operates. The calculateWeeklyPay
method envies the scope of HourlyEmployee
. It "wishes" that it could be inside HourlyEmployee
All else being equal, we want to eliminate Feature Envy because it exposes the internals of one class to another. Sometimes, however, Feature Envy is a necessary evil. Consider the following:
public class HourlyEmployeeReport {
private HourlyEmployee employee ;
public HourlyEmployeeReport(HourlyEmployee e) {
this.employee = e;
String reportHours() {
return String.format(
"Name: %s\tHours:%d.%1d\n",
Clearly, the reportHours
method envies the HourlyEmployee
class. On the other hand, we don't want HourlyEmployee
to have to know about the format of the report. Moving that format string into the HourlyEmployee
class would violate several principles of object oriented design (Specifically, the Single Responsibility Principle, the Open Closed Principle, and the Common Closure Principle.). It would couple HourlyEmployee
to the format of the report, exposing it to changes in that format.
G15: Selector Arguments
There is hardly anything more abominable than a dangling false
argument at the end of a function call. What does it mean? What would it change if it were true
? Not only is the purpose of a selector argument difficult to remember, each selector argument combines many functions into one. Selector arguments are just a lazy way to avoid splitting a large function into several smaller functions. Consider:
public int calculateWeeklyPay(boolean overtime) {
int tenthRate = getTenthRate();
int tenthsWorked = getTenthsWorked();
int straightTime = Math.min(400, tenthsWorked);
int overTime = Math.max(0, tenthsWorked - straightTime);
int straightPay = straightTime * tenthRate;
double overtimeRate = overtime ? 1.5 : 1.0 * tenthRate;
int overtimePay = (int)Math.round(overTime*overtimeRate);
return straightPay + overtimePay;
You call this function with a true
if overtime is paid as time and a half, and with a false
if overtime is paid as straight time. It's bad enough that you must remember what calculateWeeklyPay(false)
means whenever you happen to stumble across it. But the real shame of a function like this is that the author missed the opportunity to write the
public int straightPay() {
return getTenthsWorked() * getTenthRate();
public int overTimePay() {
int overTimeTenths = Math.max(0, getTenthsWorked() - 400);
int overTimePay = overTimeBonus(overTimeTenths);
return straightPay() + overTimePay;
private int overTimeBonus(int overTimeTenths) {
double bonus = 0.5 * getTenthRate() * overTimeTenths;
return (int) Math.round(bonus);
Of course, selectors need not be boolean
. They can be enums, integers, or any other type of argument that is used to select the behavior of the function. In general it is better to have many functions than to pass some code into a function to select the behavior.
G16: Obscured Intent
We want code to be as expressive as possible. Run-on expressions, Hungarian notation, and magic numbers all obscure the author's intent. For example, here is the overTimePay
function as it might have appeared:
public int m_otCalc() {
return iThsWkd * iThsRte +
(int) Math.round(0.5 * iThsRte *
Math.max(0, iThsWkd - 400)
Small and dense as this might appear, it's also virtually impenetrable. It is worth taking the time to make the intent of our code visible to our readers.
G17: Misplaced Responsibility
One of the most important decisions a software developer can make is where to put code. For example, where should the PI constant go? Should it be in the Math
class? Perhaps it belongs in the Trigonometry
class? Or maybe in the Circle
The principle of least surprise comes into play here. Code should be placed where a reader would naturally expect it to be. The PI
constant should go where the trig functions are declared. The OVERTIME_RATE constant should be declared in the HourlyPayCalculator
Sometimes we get "clever" about where to put certain functionality. We'll put it in a function that's convenient for us, but not necessarily intuitive to the reader. For example, perhaps we need to print a report with the total of hours that an employee worked. We could sum up those hours in the code that prints the report, or we could try to keep a running total in the code that accepts time cards.
One way to make this decision is to look at the names of the functions. Let's say that our report module has a function named getTotalHours
. Let's also say that the module that accepts time cards has a saveTimeCard
function. Which of these two functions, by it's name, implies that it calculates the total? The answer should be obvious.
Clearly, there are sometimes performance reasons why the total should be calculated as time cards are accepted rather than when the report is printed. That's fine, but the names of the functions ought to reflect this. For example, there should be a computeRunningTotalOfHours
function in the timecard module.
G18: Inappropriate Static
Math.max(double a, double b)
is a good static method. It does not operate on a single instance; indeed, it would be silly to have to say new Math().max(a,b)
or even a.max(b)
. All the data that max uses comes from its two arguments, and not from any "owning" object. More to the point, there is almost no chance that we'd want Math.max
to be polymorphic.
Sometimes, however, we write static functions that should not be static. For example, consider:
HourlyPayCalculator.calculatePay(employee, overtimeRate).
Again, this seems like a reasonable static
function. It doesn't operate on any particular object and gets all it's data from it's arguments. However, there is a reasonable chance that we'll want this function to be polymorphic. We may wish to implement several different algorithms for calculating hourly pay, for example, OvertimeHourlyPayCalculator
and StraightTimeHourlyPayCalculator
. So in this case the function should not be static. It should be a nonstatic member function of Employee
In general you should prefer nonstatic methods to static methods. When in doubt, make the function nonstatic. If you really want a function to be static, make sure that there is no chance that you'll want it to behave polymorphically.
G19: Use Explanatory Variables
Kent Beck wrote about this in his great book Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns and again more recently in his equally great book Implementation Patterns. One of the more powerful ways to make a program readable is to break the calculations up into intermediate values that are held in variables with meaningful names.
Consider this example from FitNesse:
Matcher match = headerPattern.matcher(line);
String key = match.group(1);
String value = match.group(2);
headers.put(key.toLowerCase(), value);
The simple use of explanatory variables makes it clear that the first matched group is the key, and the second matched group is the value.
It is hard to overdo this. More explanatory variables are generally better than fewer. It is remarkable how an opaque module can suddenly become transparent simply by breaking the calculations up into well-named intermediate values.
G20: Function Names Should Say What They Do
Look at this code:
Date newDate = date.add(5);
Would you expect this to add five days to the date? Or is it weeks, or hours? Is the date
instance changed or does the function just return a new Date
without changing the old one? You can't tell from the call what the function does.
If the function adds five days to the date and changes the date, then it should be called addDaysTo
or increaseByDays
. If, on the other hand, the function returns a new date that is five days later but does not change the date instance, it should be called daysLater
or daysSince
If you have to look at the implementation (or documentation) of the function to know what it does, then you should work to find a better name or rearrange the functionality so that it can be placed in functions with better names.
G21: Understand the Algorithm
Lots of very funny code is written because people don't take the time to understand the algorithm. They get something to work by plugging in enough if
statements and flags, without really stopping to consider what is really going on.
Programming is often an exploration. You think you know the right algorithm for something, but then you wind up fiddling with it, prodding and poking at it, until you get it to "work." How do you know it "works"? Because it passes the test cases you can think of.
There is nothing wrong with this approach. Indeed, often it is the only way to get a function to do what you think it should. However, it is not sufficient to leave the quotation marks around the word "work."
Before you consider yourself to be done with a function, make sure you understand how it works. It is not good enough that it passes all the tests. You must know that the solution is correct.
Often the best way to gain this knowledge and understanding is to refactor the func- tion into something that is so clean and expressive that it is obvious how it works.
G22: Make Logical Dependencies Physical
If one module depends upon another, that dependency should be physical, not just logical. The dependent module should not make assumptions (in other words, logical dependencies) about the module it depends upon. Rather it should explicitly ask that module for all the information it depends upon.
For example, imagine that you are writing a function that prints a plain text report of hours worked by employees. One class named HourlyReporter
gathers all the data into a convenient form and then passes it to HourlyReportFormatter
to print it.
public class HourlyReporter {
private HourlyReportFormatter formatter;
private List<LineItem> page;
private final int PAGE_SIZE = 55;
public HourlyReporter(HourlyReportFormatter formatter) {
this.formatter = formatter;
page = new ArrayList<LineItem>();
public void generateReport(List<HourlyEmployee> employees) {
for (HourlyEmployee e : employees) {
if (page.size() == PAGE_SIZE)
if (page.size() > 0)
private void printAndClearItemList() {
private void addLineItemToPage(HourlyEmployee e) {
LineItem item = new LineItem();
item.name = e.getName();
item.hours = e.getTenthsWorked() / 10;
item.tenths = e.getTenthsWorked() % 10;
public class LineItem {
public String name;
public int hours;
public int tenths;
This code has a logical dependency that has not been physicalized. Can you spot it? It is the constant PAGE_SIZE
. Why should the HourlyReporter
know the size of the page? Page size should be the responsibility of the HourlyReportFormatter
The fact that PAGE_SIZE is declared in HourlyReporter
represents a misplaced responsibility G17 that causes HourlyReporter
to assume that it knows what the page size ought to be. Such an assumption is a logical dependency. HourlyReporter
depends on the fact that HourlyReportFormatter
can deal with page sizes of 55. If some implementation of HourlyReportFormatter
could not deal with such sizes, then there would be an error.
We can physicalize this dependency by creating a new method in HourlyReportFormatter
named getMaxPageSize()
. HourlyReporter
will then call that function rather than using the PAGE_SIZE