... | @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public int score() { |
... | @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public int score() { |
The power of carefully chosen names is that they overload the structure of the code with description. That overloading sets the readers' expectations about what the other functions in the module do. You can infer the implementation of `isStrike()` by looking at the code above. When you read the isStrike method, it will be "pretty much what you expected."
The power of carefully chosen names is that they overload the structure of the code with description. That overloading sets the readers' expectations about what the other functions in the module do. You can infer the implementation of `isStrike()` by looking at the code above. When you read the `isStrike` method, it will be "pretty much what you expected." (See Ward Cunningham's quote on page 11.)
private boolean isStrike(int frame) {
private boolean isStrike(int frame) {
... | @@ -69,6 +69,104 @@ private boolean isStrike(int frame) { |
... | @@ -69,6 +69,104 @@ private boolean isStrike(int frame) { |
#### N2: Choose Names at the Appropriate Level of Abstraction
Don't pick names that communicate implementation; choose names the reflect the level of abstraction of the class or function you are working in. This is hard to do. Again, people are just too good at mixing levels of abstractions. Each time you make a pass over your code, you will likely find some variable that is named at too low a level. You should take the opportunity to change those names when you find them. Making code readable requires a dedication to continuous improvement. Consider the `Modem` interface below:
public interface Modem {
boolean dial(String phoneNumber);
boolean disconnect();
boolean send(char c);
char recv();
String getConnectedPhoneNumber();
At first this looks fine. The functions all seem appropriate. Indeed, for many applications they are. But now consider an application in which some modems aren't connected by dialling. Rather they are connected permanently by hard wiring them together (think of the cable modems that provide Internet access to most homes nowadays). Perhaps some are connected by sending a port number to a switch over a USB connection. Clearly the notion of phone numbers is at the wrong level of abstraction. A better naming strategy for this scenario might be:
public interface Modem {
boolean connect(String connectionLocator);
boolean disconnect();
boolean send(char c);
char recv();
String getConnectedLocator();
Now the names don't make any commitments about phone numbers. They can still be used for phone numbers, or they could be used for any other kind of connection strategy.
#### N3: Use Standard Nomenclature Where Possible
Names are easier to understand if they are based on existing convention or usage. For example, if you are using the DECORATOR pattern, you should use the word `Decorator` in the names of the decorating classes. For example, `AutoHangupModemDecorator` might be the name of a class that decorates a `Modem` with the ability to automatically hang up at the end of a session.
Patterns are just one kind of standard. In Java, for example, functions that convert objects to string representations are often named `toString`. It is better to follow conventions like these than to invent your own.
Teams will often invent their own standard system of names for a particular project. Eric Evans refers to this as a [ubiquitous language](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/UbiquitousLanguage.html) for the project. Your code should use the terms from this language extensively. In short, the more you can use names that are overloaded with special meanings that are relevant to your project, the easier it will be for readers to know what your code is talking about.
#### N4: Unambiguous Names
Choose names that make the workings of a function or variable unambiguous. Consider
this example from FitNesse:
private String doRename() throws Exception
return PathParser.render(pathToRename);
The name of this function does not say what the function does except in broad and vague terms. This is emphasized by the fact that there is a function named `renamePage` inside the function named `doRename`! What do the names tell you about the difference between the two functions? Nothing.
A better name for that function is `renamePageAndOptionallyAllReferences`. This may seem long, and it is, but it's only called from one place in the module, so it's explanatory value outweighs the length.
#### N5: Use Long Names for Long Scopes
The length of a name should be related to the length of the scope. You can use very short
variable names for tiny scopes, but for big scopes you should use longer names.
Variable names like i and j are just fine if their scope is five lines long. Consider this snippet from the old standard "Bowling Game":
private void rollMany(int n, int pins)
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
This is perfectly clear and would be obfuscated if the variable i were replaced with something annoying like `rollCount`. On the other hand, variables and functions with short names lose their meaning over long distances. So the longer the scope of the name, the longer and more precise the name should be.
#### N6: Avoid Encodings
Names should not be encoded with type or scope information. Prefixes such as `m_` or `f` are useless in today's environments. Also project and/or subsystem encodings such as `vis_` (for visual imaging system) are distracting and redundant. Again, today's environments provide all that information without having to mangle the names. Keep your names free of Hungarian pollution.
N7: Names Should Describe Side-Effects
Names should describe everything that a function, variable, or class is or does. Don't hide side effects with a name. Don't use a simple verb to describe a function that does more than just that simple action. For example, consider this code from TestNG:
public ObjectOutputStream getOos() throws IOException {
if (m_oos == null) {
m_oos = new ObjectOutputStream(m_socket.getOutputStream());
return m_oos;
This function does a bit more than get an "oos"; it creates the "oos" if it hasn't been created already. Thus, a better name might be `createOrReturnOos`.
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