3.3I HA - 300 - New Graphics and Text
Pretty much scrub this graphic and replace with clickable icons that then reveal text.
The new icons are found in the Hampton assets folder. The names for these are Friendly, Caring, Thoughtful and Authentic.
Not exactly sure how you want to lay this out (I suggest a vertical column of the symbols with their text below them, with text out to the right), but here's what should go with each:
Friendly: "You are kind and warm with your Guests, always looking for an opportunity to find little ways to make a big difference for them."
Authentic: "You are real and genuine with your Guests, always sharing your strengths and your unique personality."
Caring: "You have compassion for your Guests, always thinking about how they feel and lending a helping hand when they need it."
Thoughtful: "You put your Guests first, always pausing to consider the best course of action and finding surprising ways to approach a challenge."