4.3 combo 200 - Bring in Old 8.0 content
New screen here then, hopefully you can copy it over from the previous version of 8.0.
Digital Key Non-Arrivals Hotel Charge Policy
Sometimes, Guests with confirmed reservations won’t show up at the hotel, or contact the hotel to cancel.
• A "no show" is a Guest who books a reservation, but doesn’t cancel or arrive at the hotel and is not a digital key user.
• A "non-arrival" is a Guest who completes digital check-in and receives a digital key, but doesn't arrive at the hotel.
With the traditional check-in process, the hotel staff readily knows which Guests are no shows.
Digital key Guests, on the other hand, are checked in when they receive a digital key, even if they never arrive. When this happens…
• The Guest will appear in OnQ PM as checked in – but the room will still be empty.
• Housekeeping will alert the Front Desk staff that a digital key Guest did not arrive and that the room is vacant ready. The front desk should note this in OnQ PM as “a digital key non-arrival.”
• The front desk should also attempt to contact the Guest to confirm non-arrival.
[bottom ribbon content] Digital key Guests will never be classified as no shows, because they received a digital key.