10.0-400 - Changes to Arrow #6 Text
Change the text in the 3 bullets (leave the opening paragraph alone) as follows. Remember that each name needs bolded.
• Reprocess - this option initiates a restart of the automated process to complete the check-in and issue a digital key. For example, this option may appear if credit card authorization cannot be obtained, and if you can resolve this issue in OnQ PM, you can use the Reprocess button to restart the automated process. If it is after noon local hotel time, the automated system issues the digital key for you. Note: The reprocess option will no longer be available if you check in the Guest via OnQ PM. Once the Guest is checked into OnQ PM, the automated process stops and you must manually issue a digital key from the Manage Digital Key screen.
• Approve Digital Key - use this option after you have performed any actions required for approving this stay for a digital key. When you select this option, the Digital Key Status will change immediately from "Pending Digital Key Approval" to "Pending." If it is after 12 noon local hotel time, the automated check-in process will begin.
• Mark Pending for Approval - this option allows you to mark the reservation to require verification at the front desk. This option will appear only if the Daily Activity Status displays "Pending"; that is, when the automated process for check-in has not started yet. You should also enter the reason verification is required in the text field. When you complete this action, the status will change immediately from "Pending" to "Pending Digital Key Approval," in red text. The digital key check icon will change to red. The reasons for verification will appear in the Reason box.