10.0-500 - Popup Text Box Changes
First off, move the Pending Digital Key Approval line in the chart up to the 2nd slot, under Pending and before Key Provisioned. Only one change to text there - add "check-in" between "automated" and "process."
Change the Pending text to:
Automated check-in begins at 12 noon local time. This status will appear for all digital key arrivals until noon, unless an early check-in request exists. Action Required: None If a Guest is granted access to the room before 12 noon, use the Early Check-in box and allow the system to automatically deliver the digital key.
Automated check-in requires that the room assigned is vacant/ready before check-in can be completed. After 12 noon, if the room assigned is not vacant/ready, "Room not ready" will appear. Action Required: If the Guest is at the hotel before the room is vacant/ready, try to assign a vacant/ready room and click the Reprocess button. If the Guest is not present, no action is needed.
Automated check-in requires that a mobile device has been associated to the stay. Action Required: Advise the Guest to open their HHonors app from their smartphone and press "Request Digital Key."
In the Manually Checked In text, change 1st paragraph to "When you manually check in a digital key Guest in OnQ PM (versus letting the automated process do the check-in), a digital key will never be sent automatically. You must manually request a digital key be sent to the Guest’s smartphone from the dashboard."
In the CC Declined text, 2nd paragraph change to "Action Required: Secure an alternate method of payment and update the reservation in OnQ PM. Once payment has been secured, click the Reprocess button in the dashboard to allow the automated check-in process to complete and a digital key to be issued."
In the CC Process Error text, 1st paragraph change to "This message means that there is a card credit card processing error. at your hotel. It does not indicate that there is an issue with the Guest’s credit card." Change the last sentence at the bottom of that to "Alternatively, you may complete the check-in in On Q PM and manually issue a new digital key."