4.3-300 - Change Game Text
Several changes here:
- Change the main question to "Mr. Hart completed digital check-in and received a digital key on his smartphone. Now he is calling to cancel his reservation.
It is before the cancellation deadline. What should you do?"
The answer that WAS correct, [b], is now incorrect. Answer [c] is now the correct one. Adjust programming as needed.
Change the [b] answer option to "Retrieve his reservation in OnQ PM, apply the appropriate charges, and check him out of the hotel." Change its now-incorrect feedback to "Sorry, that is not the best response. Since he called [bold]before[end bold] the cancellation deadline, his reservation can be cancelled without applying any charges. Click View Job Aid then try again."
Change [c] to "Retrieve his reservation in OnQ PM and check him out of the hotel." Change its now-correct feedback to "Well done! Since Mr. Hart cancelled before the deadline, you can check out his reservation in OnQ PM even though he received the digital key. Make sure you notify Housekeeping."