3.5_300 - text change
bullet two under "1>" should read: It is noon or later.
The "note" in "1>" should read: Note: With digital key, credit card authorization and check-in happen automatically in OnQ PM. There is no need to take any action in OnQ PM. The Guest will automatically be notified on their smartphone when the room and digital key are ready.
Add a "tip" beneath the "note" in "1>" that reads: TIP: Digital key Guests can request early arrival. See job aid 4.5.
Under "2>" Note should read: Note: Once you contact the Guest, and the room is changed, the Guest will be notified of the change on their smartphone and receive a new digital key.
"3>" should read: It is important to remember that the Guest is automatically checked in to OnQ PM with digital key. If you manually check a Guest in to OnQ PM, the Guest will not automatically receive a digital key. In that situation, use the dashboard to manually send a new or duplicate digital key to the Guest.
See the Job Aid titled Digital Key: Dashboard Tasks later in his course, for more information.
Add a "note" in "4>" that reads: Note: This will be covered in more detail later in this course.